Holy Comforter Orthodox Church

Say hello to our new clergy!
Father John Dunivan (left) & Father Thaddeus Obba (right)
We are so privileged to have such talented clergy.
Father John Dunivan works in the music industry as a producer and composer. Originally from Houston now lives in Hudson Valley w/ wife 3 children. Father John developed in Orthodox Christianity hesychasm and rich mystical tradition of the orthodox church.
Father Thaddeus serves as a Chaplin in the great New York area. A Former Catholic Priest, he was ordained Orthodox recently.
Together they will serve our parish regarding Baptism, Confirmations, The Eucharists, Confession, Holy Unction, marriage and Holy Orders.
Pray for our clergy and give a warm welcome.

The Holy Comforter
January 2024
Read The Holy Comforter Orthodox Church's January 2024 Newsletter.

The Holy Comforter
December 2023
Read The Holy Comforter Orthodox Church's December 2023 Newsletter.